Monday, 11 January 2016

Effectual Tips and Tricks for Harmless Body Piercing

Piercing refers to making holes in body parts to wear different type of decorative jewelry items. Earlier women, get ear pierced to wear variety of jewelry. However, at present, it not just women, but even men are interested in piercing to move along with fashion trend. For all such mavericks, it is very important to make sure that body piercing does not affect your health.  Here are few important tips to get away with the probable risks appearing during body piercing.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Body Piercing Jewelry – The Unparalleled Craze That Is Hard To Resist

Body piercing has become a fashion statement now days. This refers to piercing of holes in the body parts to insert rings and other decorative jewelry. Lips and tongue piercing-further give a trendy and smart look to your appearance. Different types of body piercing, popular among people include.