You must have seen people with overly stretched earlobes, and sporting rings and other sorts of jewelries in those extended holes. The fashion of stretched ears is not a new one, it goes back to thousands of years back, when tribal men and women would wear carved bones of animals in their ears, to keep away the evil spirits. Today, the scenarios and purposes of using these unique body jewelries have profoundly changed.
These are totally a fashion thing now. You can easily witness girls and dudes hovering around in your city and nearby streets flaunting this eye-catching fashion.
Ear gauges
Ear gauges are small tools, using which you can widen your ear lobes. Usually made of materials that do not react to the cuts and wounds when you try to enlarge your lobes, these kits can be purchased from online shopping websites and local body jewelry shops.
If you too are thinking over getting your earlobes expanded and wearing a piece of jewelry in it, here is a step-by-step procedure which you can chase for a less painful ear gauging experience –
Buying jewelry and ear gauging tools – To gauge your ears, two things that you will need are: some jewelries and a precise ear gauging kit. When purchasing jewelries and gauges, you should buy the ones that are made surgical grade materials that do not cause infections on freshly-hollowed pierces. Silver, synthetic, stainless steel and platinum are some of such materials that you can consider for first time use.
Ready to use? – If you feel you are ready for this, the first step that you have to take is to wash your hand with lukewarm water, dry it off with a clean cotton towel, and sterilize your hands and ear lobes with a first-rate quality hand sanitizer. Additionally, you should check if the jewelry and gauges that you have purchased are sanitized.
Use lubricant, and go slow – You should use Vitamin E Oil, Jojoba Oil, and/or tea oil to lubricate the gauge. Apply the oil over the tool and lobes, and push the pointed end of the taper through your earlobe VERY VERY SLOWLY. You really have to go very slow, as speeding here can cause cruel damages to your body part.
Some other important points to bear in mind are:
- Stop pushing the taper, if it starts paining or bleeding. Excess pain and bleeding indicate that you should give some time (at least two to three weeks) to your ears, to get it ready once again.
- Read the instructions of wearing o-rings, two to three times before you go. It usually depends on the type of taper, how you have to proceed with wearing the jewelry. With no-flare plug, you have to place the o-ring on front and back. This way the ring remains at the right position when pushing the tool. With single-flare plugs, you have to place the ring at the back, when performing the
- The MOST important thing is to GO SLOW, as hurrying will only cause damages!